Las Vegas – A History Lovers’ Paradise

Before Europeans began exploring the valley, Paleo-Indians were visiting the area for at least 10,000 years. The Paiute and Anasazi tribes followed. The first European to discover Las Vegas was Rafael Rivera, who named the valley after the native American tribe of the same name. The name translates to “The Meadows,” referring to the abundance of water and nutrient-rich desert soil. In the 1830s, John C. Fremont and his party made their way through the area, eventually becoming one of the first casinos in the United States.More Info About 3movierulz
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The Strip is lined with upscale shopping malls. The Strip is home to the highest concentration of shopping malls per square mile in any four-mile stretch. Outlying areas have shopping malls as well. The area is connected to Henderson and other nearby cities by a monorail. Taking advantage of the monorail’s proximity to the Strip and surrounding area will allow you to enjoy the shopping and entertainment districts on the more video here Paul Walker
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The Las Vegas Natural History Museum features robotic dinosaurs and 26 species of preserved animals. The Atomic Testing Museum, which is affiliated with the Smithsonian Institution, features artifacts from the Nevada Test Site and records the dramatic history of the atomic age. Numerous art galleries and museums dot the valley, including the famous Las Vegas Strip. A visit to the Mob Museum is an interesting and unique way to learn about the history of organized crime in the area. There are speakeasys, distilleries, and even a distillery on the site. The Neon Museum features 200 rescued neon signs.More Info About Liver Health